[200+] Financial Freedom Quotes to Motivate, Inspire and Steps to Achieve It

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How much money would you need to retire comfortably? How much is enough? What are some financial independence blogs or podcasts to follow?

Financial independence is the ability to live without working for income or relying on other sources of support. Financial independence is achieved through savings and investments, and has three primary components:

1) Enough liquid assets (cash and investments).

2) Time – having the opportunity to enjoy life

3) Money – being able to afford things and experiences

Financial Independence Quotes

[200+] Financial Freedom Quotes

  1. “The secret of getting ahead lies in getting started.” – Mark Twain
  2. “If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; there is where they should be. Now put foundations under them.” – Henry David Thoreau
  3. “A man shall do what he wants to do, provided he does not interfere with doing something else that wants to be done.” – Robert A. Heinlein
  4. “To live contentedly ever after, it’s quite enough if at first you don’t succeed.” – James Fenimore Cooper
  5. “Wealth is only power over others. Wealth is not real unless it enables us to control those who possess it and use it for our own advantage.” – Theodore Roosevelt
  6. “Money doesn’t make you happy, just as happiness doesn’t make you rich.” – Dr. Suess
  7. “I’ve made my pile and I’m going to enjoy myself.” – George Bernard Shaw
  8. “Your task is not to seek pleasure, but to find pleasure wherever you can.” – Francis Bacon
  9. “There is no end to learning. So far, we know, the hardest thing wasn’t to learn, but to unlearn.” – Thomas Fuller
  10. “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” – Peter Drucker
  11. “Don’t let schooling interfere with your education.” – Mark Twight
  12. “It is difficult to generalize about any particular subject, but some generalizations can be made.” – Albert Einstein
  13. “The two most important days in your life: the day you were born and the day you discover why.” – Author Unknown
  14. “Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city.” – John Lennon
  15. You don’t learn anything from failure, you just have a lot of it.-Jim Rohn –
  16. I’m not afraid of tomorrow. I’m afraid of today!-Jimmy Dean –
  17. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.-Benjamin Franklin –
  18. Money does what memory doesn’t.-Henry David Thoreau –
  19. A dream deferred is nothing at all; a dream fulfilled is everything.-Abraham Lincoln –
  20. Never regret anything. Always remember that if you’re going to make any decision, no matter how small, you had better decide right then and there whether you’re going to be happy with whatever choice you make or not. Because if you wait until later, you might find yourself waiting forever.-John Wooden –
  21. We do not inherit our possessions; we borrow them for a little while from our parents, and their parents before them, and so on back through hundreds of years. Then we pay back the loan with interest.-Theodore Roosevelt –
  22. “What we have achieved may not seem like much to many people but we have created a real community here.” – David Hirsch, Founder, Kiva (2006)
  23. “I was so poor I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, but thanks to my friends at Kiva.org, I learned to laugh richly again!” – Charles Handy, Author, Positive Money: Economics for Life (2004)
  24. “It’s not what you take; it’s what you make. And if it wasn’t for Kiva, I would have never been able to get back on my feet financially…because I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to start lending.” – John C. Reed, President, World Vision International (2005)
  25. “Kiva changed my life completely…I went from being someone who lived paycheck-to-paycheck to becoming a full-time entrepreneur.” – David Buckner, Kiva borrower (2007)
  26. “I think Kiva is an example of how the whole world should work together, instead of competing against each other.” – John Rogers, Kiva borrower (2008)
  27. “The biggest benefit of Kiva loans is that they give people the chance to help others out of their own poverty, and that makes me feel good inside.” – Jairo Pimentel, Kiva borrower (2009)
  28. “I am grateful for everything I have today. I owe it all to Kiva.” – Lusi Akao, Kiva borrower (2010)
  29. “This organization has helped me build my business and gave me the confidence to believe in myself. I now have the tools to reach out and help those around me. Thank you, Kiva!” – Eric Hahn, Kiva borrower (2011)
  30. “With the help of Kiva, I started a project to provide clean water to families living in rural villages. Thanks to Kiva, I’ve seen first hand how people live without access to safe drinking water. Now I want to find a way to take what I’ve learned and bring clean water where it’s needed.” – Jennifer Brown, Kiva borrower (2012)
  31. “Life is about experiences, making mistakes, and learning from them. My experience with Kiva has given me a lot of opportunities to accomplish things I otherwise might not have dreamt possible. I’m excited to continue building and expanding my businesses.” – Chris Munguia, Kiva borrower (2013)
  32. “In 2009, when I saw my family struggling to survive in the aftermath of the earthquake, I felt helpless. But then I heard about Kiva and decided to lend money to a woman named Maria. She paid me back within two months and her daughter repaid the loan three years later. Today, she owns a small store and provides for her family.” – Raul Perez, Kiva borrower (2014)
  33. “When I received the initial $25 in microloans from Kiva, I knew I could use the funds to start a school serving children in need of food and education. Since receiving my Kiva loans, I have built a thriving business, recruited and trained over 100 employees and grown our revenues tenfold.” – Yves Sintgens, Kiva borrower (2015)
  34. “Kiva has allowed us to give back to the communities where we operate and serve our customers. We are proud to partner with organizations like Kiva that allow us to do something good, knowing that our profits go directly back into our operations.” – Alex Rodriguez, CEO, Vindale Vineyards (2016)
  35. “Working with Kiva was a transformational experience…it showed me how to create financial security. Without any debt, I was able to develop my business and pay back my loans.” – Paul Chirumbolo, Kiva borrower (2017)
  36. “I don’t think anyone ever said money out loud. I believe they say ‘income’. We spend our income… we spend money, not our money.” – John C Maxwell
  37. “The only way you’ll make real money is if you have enough faith to put yourself on the line.” – Jim Rohn
  38. “Wealth is what we make together.” – David Rockefeller
  39. “You cannot eat money.”- Mark Twain
  40. “If you want to make God laugh, tell him about money.” – Oscar Wilde
  41. “Money doesn’t bring happiness; it brings problems.” – Dalai Lama
  42. “When the going gets tough, the tough get rich.” – Warren Buffett
  43. “A man who dies rich dies disgraced.” – Napoleon Bonaparte
  44. “Money is like manure. You never notice its stink until it’s gone.” – Jack Canfield
  45. “When you’re broke, you worry about paying bills, but when you’ve got plenty of dough, you worry about how to spend it.” – Will Rogers
  46. “Remember that time is money.” – Henry Ford
  47. “Income is the result of your efforts and business sense; wealth is the result of your wisdom and perseverance.” – Alfred D. Chandler Jr
  48. “Don’t let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.” – John Wooden
  49. “There is no substitute for hard work. There is no shortcut around sweat equity. There is no free lunch in investing.” – Warren Buffet
  50. “I was so poor I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, but thanks to my friends at Kiva.org, I learned to laugh richly again!” – Charles Handy, Author, Positive Money: Economics for Life (2004)

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